Monday, 30 June 2014

Monday Musings (2)

 Monday Musings is a weekly meme originally hosted by Should Be Reading. Where asked to talk about one of the following:
- Describe One of your reading habits
- Tell us what book(s) you recently bought for yourself, or someone else, and why you chose that/those book(s).
- What book are you currently desperate to get your hands on? 
- What are you reading right now? What do you think of it so far? Why did you choose it and what are or aren't you enjoying about it?
- Do you have a bookish rant?
- Ranting about anything else in general that may or may not be bookish?

Hey guys!!

This week I have decided to post one of my reading habits. I never really noticed it until recently but I found that I  read the best and concentrate the best when there's background noise; whether it be music playing, people talking or the t.v.s on. I can never just sit in the quiet and read. My sister found it weird the other day when I was reading in the living room with the t.v. on. I had put on rerun episodes of True Blood. She went to turn off the t.v. and I had told her not to. 

It was kind of hilarious. My family also finds it weird when I read in the car, the noise of the tires on the highway or the road it's kind of peaceful in a way. 

What habits have you developed when it comes to reading?

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