Title: Hell Without You
Author: Ranae Rose
Series: n/a
Publisher: Amazon Digital Services Inc. (self-published e-book)
Release Date: September 5th 2013
ISBN-13: 978-1-4921-6559-0
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Time changes everything, except what's meant to be.
Seven years is a long time - long enough to transform Clementine from a small-town teenager with a broken heart into a woman ready to take on the world, but not long enough to make her forget about the man she was never suppose to see again. A temporary return to Willow Heights thrusts her back into Dononvan's life and home, unearthing heartbreak and obsession that have stood the test of time.
He left seven years ago too, for war and other things Clementine can only imagine. Coming back to town where he grew up in the shadow of poverty and drug addiction makes no sense, and neither do Clementine's feelings for him. He could never forgive her for leaving, could he? Even if she had no choice.
Now, she has the freedom to choose...and so does he. Every day in Willow Heights makes it clearer: all he ever really wanted was her, and nothing will change that. Not even a taste of hell that drove them apart in the first place.
My Thoughts
My what a short and sweet little romance this was. It really did have my heartstrings pulled from cover to cover. I never imagined that Trevor would meet his end, I mean I envisioned something happening involving Trevor, Clementine and Donovan but not his death. If anything I thought his demise would be at the hands of Donovan and not of another third party.
I'm really glad and had a teary eyed moment in the end where Clem, and her mother's friendship finally started to mend together. It's really an eye opener to how people react and how much it takes for a person to realize their wrong.
I feel Trevor fully got what he got, and that justice was fully served for Clementine and the others that weren't as lucky as Clementine to get away.
This novel highlighted the fact that true love can and will withstand the tests of time and anything that life has to throw at it. Novels like this give my big romantic sappy heart that something like this will one day happen for all of us.
I wasn't disappointed with this novel, it was a truly feel-good romance and I look forward to reading more works from Ranae Rose.
My Rating: 5/5
Goodreads: Hell Without You
Author's Website: Ranae Rose
Amazon: Hell Without You by Ranae Rose
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