Title: Daughter of Oreveille
Author: Tricia Ballad
Series: Oreveille Cycle - #1
Publisher: Faeland Press
Release Date: November 16th 2013
ISBN: 978-0-615-910390
Source: Goodreads Giveaway (Paperback)
Genre: Fantasy
Brianna will inherit everything - if she can play by the rules.
Instead she rejects yet another fine noble of the Faelands in favor of a half-Fae commoner.
The House of Oreveille has been without a Defender since her father's death in the jotnar wars. Her mother's drunkard second husband has neglected his duties; the estate has fallen into decay and rumors are flying that the grand house of Oreveille, protector of the border between Gaia and the Faeland for thousands of years, may soon fall.
How must will Brianna be forced to sacrifice to protect the life - and the man - she has chosen?
My Thoughts
First off I must express how overcome I was with emotion with this novel and I'm absolutely thrilled that Gabriel has come back...in the form of Gabe, yay!!
This novel was probably the quickest read (2 hours give or take a few minutes) that I've actually had the pleasure of reading in a long time, and the only regret that I have...well two actually is, for one that I wished it was longer. The story was over as fast as it began and I wished it didn't have to end. The other being that I hit a bit of confusion, when the novel jumped or so I thought into the future. The chapter page stated it was still the same time (month and year) as when the book started, even though on the second page in the chapter (Chapter 23) they talked about how it had been years. Left me a bit confused as to how much time had passed since they first left her home. < Now that, that bit is out of the way let me get on with what else I have to say that's positive.
The characters were so easy to fall in love with...well with the exception of Cordov and Brianne's mother...by the end of the novel I was kind of glad they ended up with each other because in a sense they deserved each other. They were both manipulative in ways that ended in Gabriel's death. Hell if Cordov hadn't of told Gabriel to pretty much kill Brianne's step father, then they would have never had to leave in the first place and Brianne could have had help to properly heal Gabriel's wound. Brianne however did become Madam of the hosue in the end. I can only assume her mother passed on, or shall we see her in the next book? The author for me left a lot of questions hanging. For instance what happened to Brianne and Gabriel's daughter Kathleen?
All in all it was a different kind of novel with Fae elements, a refreshing read for me and I can't wait to read the second installment when that becomes available.
My Rating: 5/5
Goodreads: Daughter of Oreveille by Tricia Ballad
Author: Tricia Ballad
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