Title: Her Knight In Shining Armour
Author: Robyn Rychards
Publisher: Escape Publishing
Release Date: March 1st 2014
ISBN-13: 978-0-8579-9138-6
Source: Netgalley
Genre: Romance
She may not need a knight in shining armour to save her, but that doesn't mean she's going to look a gift knight in the visor...
Paisley doesn't needs a knight in shining armour to rescue her from her high-powered abusive ex-husband. She's got it covered on her own: she's changed her name, liquidated her assets and has a plan to disappear in Rocky Mountain National Park.
Psychiatrist Sterling James has absolutely no intention of being anyone's savior. The only woman he has any time for is his sister. But circumstances change when Sterling finds Paisley in an unexpected and life-threatening situation. Brought in to the drama of her escape, Sterling finds himself invested, and he can't move on until he knows Paisley is going to be safe.
It should be simple enough exercise to get Paisley out of the park and into her new life. But nothing is ever as good as it should be, and Sterling soon discovers that even if her ex-husband buys the setup, he might not be able to watch Paisley go...
My Thoughts
Definitely going to be added to my "must reread" list. This novel was both hilarious and sad in different situations.
I really enjoyed this book, it was a genuine love story, guy saving girl type novel and really hit my inner girly girl. It was short and sweet and didn't drag on, the novel was full of adventure and action which is what I like to see most of the time. The plot kept you on the edge of suspense - and your wondering at every turn if Paisley is going to be found by her ex. It was thrilling, and the characters were very loveable.
The novel was set in a setting that was different from the ones i'm used to reading about. It's not every day your heroines find themselves falling in love while camping in the national park. It was different and a breath of fresh air. The camping setting made Paisley and Sterling's, situation a bit humorous and I had a great laugh.
My Rating: 5/5
About The Author
Robyn Rychards grew up in the granola bowl of the United States, Boulder Colorado, a town filled with fruits, flakes and nuts. She considers herself a Jack-of-all-trades-master-of-none and has taught herself to sew, paint, play the piano, garden, cook, the list goes on. But now that her books are published, she’s thrilled to finally be considered a master of one. At least as much as a person can be, for the learning never really stops.
She feels her active imagination is a blessing and a curse, with the blessing far outweighing the curse since it has led her to fulfil her dream of writing for Harlequin. Robyn started writing stories when she was a teenager because she didn’t have enough books to read. Sometimes she finds it hard to believe that people are willing to pay her to do something she enjoys so much, but mostly she’s happy to have such a wonderful excuse not to cook and clean. And a job that means you can stay in your jammies as long as you want? Priceless.
Her Knight In Shining Armour on Goodreads
Robyn Rychards