Saturday, 13 October 2012

Book Review: Playing the Odds

Title: Playing the Odds

Author: Nora Roberts

Genre: Romance

Page Count: 327

Copyright: 1985

Publisher: Harlequin Books

Series: The MacGregors (Book #1)

Synopsis:  Serena MacGregor's father knew she'd never settle down and produce grandchild while working as a blackjack dealer on a luxury cruise ship. But he knew he could stack the odds in his favour by sending unsuspecting Justin Blade - part Comanche and all gambler - to see that his daughter was lucky in love...

My Thoughts: I definately have a weakness when it comes to reading romance and this book was no exception to my inner girly girl waiting for her knight in shining armor. I loved the characters especially Serena. I've never read a romance set based around gambling and it definately made me laugh. It was a very enjoyable book one that I will most likely read again if I had the chance. It was a good book that I didn't put down unless I absolutely had to...and even then I was reluctant to miss anything.

Friday, 12 October 2012

On My Bookshelf

So on my bookshelf for this weekend is the following for me to read:

Love Story - by Jennifer Echols - Read
Playing the Odds - by Nora Roberts (Nora Roberts Challenge) - Read
The Time Travelers Wife - by Audrey Niffenegger (Rory Gilmore's Challenge) - Reading

I can't remember the last time I set foot in my local library it's definately been awhile but it was most definately needed. I can't remember the last time I just sat and lounged and read a book. My writing was suffering from all the reading I've been doing  or rather the lack of reading I've been doing.

I plan on taking a trip again tomorrow as a book I put a hold on has come in I'm hoping I can finish the Time Traveler's Wife by then so I can hand them all in and get three new ones. Please stay tuned for the book reviews I plan on writing.

Upcoming Books on the Shelf:

The Last Boyfriend - by Nora Roberts
The Kingmaker's Daughter (again possibly is someone doesn't check it out before me)

It's very convienent for me to get the ebooks off the library sight but I find a book in my hands is better so that I'm not constantly staring at my computer screen since I have yet to splurge money to buy an ereader. I'm most likely going to add it to my christmas list but I doubt I'll get it as a gift. Might just have to spend the money after all.